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#HaveFun Prize : Standard Issue Axe Rules: 3 winner, 3 fastest correct answers

, no edit, put (wax wallet)

What does POW stand for?

20 ответов

9 просмотров

2 bpqhc.wam

PoW is a form of cryptographic zero-knowledge proof in which one party (the prover) proves to others (the verifiers) that a certain amount of a specific computational effort has been expended. Verifiers can subsequently confirm this expenditure with minimal effort on their part.

Answer the question my friend

what is that :)

its my quick s**t fingers)

Its about Profe of Work?

POW = ...?

maybe it helps us drill more

Just answer POW = P**** O* W***

POW multiplier – bottom left corner. Every time you mine, your device needs to obtain a proof of work. This slows down your mining process, especially on mobile, and especially if you’re not using a WAX Wallet address. A higher number here will reduce the time you’re waiting on the Mining screen and reduce the number of stalls there.

Proof of work:) sdsx.wam

Cheers 🥂

Proof of work. 3f1hc.wam

Late 😂

omg, i am forgot about wallet

Proof of word agxaw.wam


You late mate

Still wrong😂😂

😂auto correct lol

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