210 похожих чатов

I am getting a lot of weird messages. Do admins

message people privately on this group ?

5 ответов

10 просмотров

scammers.. thats the usual view in telegram :)

Don't trust any private messages

- #Solana staff would never DM you first and never ask for your information or send you links to "fix" your account. - No "moderator" or "customer support" will ever ask you for your seed! ⚠️ Be suspicious of anyone who reaches out to you in private! 🤳 Never trust A direct messages! - If you receive unsolicited messages offering help use the @notoscam channel to expose the fraudsters. ⚠️ Never share your private keys or passwords with ANYONE (even if they claim to be from the #Solana Team) - Never give/type out your seed (or share the encrypted . JSON) ⚠️ Do not click on any links or download any files sent to you in a private message, this will result in loss of assets! 💵 There is no airdrop, giveaway nor promotion Thanks for your support for #Solana ❤

Alexander- Автор вопроса

The way these people are trying to take your money is becoming more and more elaborate. Even going as far as setting up a fake exchange from an Eastern Block country and trying to make it look like a Western exchange so you can get your large funds from there if you make a deposit.

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