210 похожих чатов

If i borrow against BUSD to mint USDX, and USDX

price falls , can i still repay the loan at any time for the original BUSD value?

i.e. is there any liquidation risk to borrowing USDX against BUSD?

11 ответов

9 просмотров

Basically zero. I borrow usdx at 98% busd. Only risk is if usdx goes more than a couple cents above $1 which doesn't happen. If usdx price falls its fine. Nothing to worry about & welcome to the 500% apy savings account.

Jock Pol
Where do I get 500% apy?

Lock your minting supplying usdx rewards up for a year and will get 500% apy bonus.

Sorry Daz, I knew this but misspoke. Still morning here, need more coffee.

Haha! We have been discussing about enabling IBC bridge this quarter. We are going to take it as one of our top priorities.

Cameron | Kava (I will never DM first)
Haha! We have been discussing about enabling IBC b...

Sure thing but, do you know what first steps are we going to see? I mean will we add cosmos tokens within our protocols, are you going to see kava I'm a dex? I'm positive sure we are going to see IBC for launch Cosmo projects within kava, in time

Ariel R
Sure thing but, do you know what first steps are w...

You may have covered a lot what you just mentioned 😉 I really cannot discuss anything related to IBC Bridge at this moment till I get a confirmation from the team.

Ariel R
That's an answer. Thanks, Cam

How do you like the Spanish discussion group so far?

Cameron | Kava (I will never DM first)
How do you like the Spanish discussion group so fa...

I thought it was useless but the group is nice. More chilled, relaxed, no scammers, only 34 members now and I hope I can do some good.

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