209 похожих чатов

Can somene please ask 1. Is there a timeline for the

WIFI / account restrictions being lifted?
2. Will some accounts never get unrestricted (what was the criteria)
3. What happens to the nfts/gems on restricted or DISABLED accounts
4. People who lost NFTs because they were "stolen" months back were only compensated with very outdated value from months before, is there a plan to provide additional compensation to these users
5. We need to get email communication with a reason before actions are taken on our accounts

6 ответов

9 просмотров

Good questions/ suggestions here. Though for #1 many users already have access to their accounts. If you're affected please try updating your app. I will be tagging @ecomi_rhys to help ask them in the AMA.

Cynthia AmaZix
Good questions/ suggestions here. Though for #1 ma...

and MANY are still restricted, lets hear them address this now on the ama like many moderators promised

and MANY are still restricted, lets hear them addr...

Hopefully they will, please listen in👂

They just said a few hundred accounts had been affected. If your account is still restricted, contact support and they will prioritise it.

Bradley-Cooper Автор вопроса
They just said a few hundred accounts had been aff...

Lol what they meant was there have been hundreds of tickets already ignored and goodluck getting a response before they fix the larger issue

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