Projecting higher prices is equally as harmful, yet everyone gets mad props for being moonbois.
How can it outperform BTC?
you dont know anything for certain. spreading fud of lower prices is a bad call when everyone is running around in panic mode.
I would say practicality beats emotion in investing.
you dont know anything, its realistic it goes up here too.
In percentage price appreciation.
Yeah being optimistic is so much fun and watching it happen but it’s so dreadful saying it will go down and watch it happen 🙈
so, why are you buying crypto?
Alright then. Hex will hit $1000 in a week. Is that what you want to hear? Haha. Just stake and relax
That’s not really an indication … short term gains only
dude go back to preschool TA
i am. what bothers me is "supporters" shooting themselves in the foot spreading fud in the community. nobody knows. if everyone says its going to .20 its more likely. stop projecting it. there no reason to panic at all. you feed panic. helps nothing. your adivce helps nothing. it does more harm.
I think it’s good for people to be prepared for it to dip a little lower. Predicting a massive pump every day will get expectations super high and then they’ll dump when it doesn’t pump.
Making more money than you would have in any other asset is all that should matter to most investors. And HEX did that.
Not anymore #justsaying
I think investors truly care more about that if they experienced it first hand
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