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I have two ETH metamask accounts, one with Ledger Nano

and one without. Swiching to TLOS EVM network, both accounts successfully received TLOS. But when I tried to transfer TLOS from the Ledger account to the other one, I was asked to open the ETH app on Ledger to verify transaction. Then I was requested a fee of 0.01 ETH, which I find strange since I'm on the EVM network. Since I canceled it, I was not able to verify if I would be charged 0.01 ETH or 0.01 TLOS. Has anyone else seen this?

1 ответов

9 просмотров

TLOS is the native unit on Telos EVM. Your hardware wallet doesn't know this so it assumes it's just called ETH. Either that or you're not really connected to the Telos Mainnet.

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