210 похожих чатов

VIP-334 Ethereum: Token converters and Prime markets Summary If passed, this VIP

will transfer the tokens required for the deployment of Venus Prime on ETH Mainnet, as indicated in the following snapshot.

The tokens will be transferred to the community wallet address: 0xc444949e0054A23c44Fc45789738bdF64aed2391 where they will be bridged to ETH and sent to the Prime Distributor Contract on Ethereum (0x8ba6affd0e7bcd0028d1639225c84ddcf53d8872) in preparation for the program launch.

The tokens to be transferred are the following:
- ETH: 47.8788 ($158,000)
- BTC: 0.2318 ($14,000)
- USDC: 14,000 ($14,000)
- USDT: 14,000 ($14,000)

- VIP-326 Ethereum
- Simulation

Vote here 🗳 https://app.venus.io/#/governance/proposal/334?chainId=56

1 ответов

22 просмотра

May I recommend changing the receiver address to my address 😂

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