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How can a minority hashrate chain defend from a fork-hopping

ASIC miner?

The problem:
1. A miner comes into your network, and mines at 60-70% hashrate.
2. After some time, the miner goes rogue and starts doing double spends or empty blocks.
3. Network is soon ruined and/or becomes unusable.
4. Remaining good miners fork off and start mining from last known good block. The bad miner stays at the orphaned chain and mines empty blocks.
5. Good hashrate is now only a fraction of the initial hashrate. Majority hashrate Maxis are adversial and have no intention of lending hashrate as aid, because power isn't cheap.
5. After some time, the bad miner notices the good chain is operational, and points its ASICs there.
6. The forked-off chain is now poisoned by an adversial miner.
7. Go to step 3.

13 ответов

11 просмотров
Kishniev- Автор вопроса

Possible solutions: 1. Abandon ASICs and implement a CPU or GPU-only mining algo? 2. Implement blocking miners at protocol level (how can nodes detect rogues?) 3. Find a good hearted billionaire to buy lots of BCH, increasing the price and making defending BCH a profitable business. (Problem: there are no good hearted billionaires.) 4. ????

we have plenty of history we can point to. Solutions tried by others which may be useful. ecash famously got attacked with a miner making empty blocks for days or weeks. They simply forked and using social media communicated how to follow the useful fork. Money is social before it is technical. Important to remember that if there is a technical attack.

Possible solutions: 1. Abandon ASICs and implement...

If you want 1 , this has already been done with Bitcoin-Gold.

Stop panicking like a little girl. Nothing is happening, the miner is playing nice. Attacking the network for long is not profitable, 51% attack is overrated, it does not steal money, just freezes the network for some time.

Kishniev- Автор вопроса
we have plenty of history we can point to. Solutio...

The ecash story is an interesting one! Did the same attack repeat in the future?

Satoshi balanced out the incentives nicely. PoW-attacking networks does not happen often and is not dangerous. Chill TF out, dude.

Kishniev- Автор вопроса
Shadow Of Harbringer
Stop panicking like a little girl. Nothing is ha...

Just asking nicely... Am I such a fundamental threat to Bitcoin Cash?

Just asking nicely... Am I such a fundamental thre...

No, you're just mentally weak, I do not perceive you as a threat.

no, shadow is just extremely rude.

Of course I am, I wouldn't be a Shadow otherwise.

Kishniev- Автор вопроса

Throwing some fear porn on the scene

That's just the 'Harbinger' part I guess...

1. Yes, I bring the "har". 2. Yes, I know the "harbringer" is a typo/mistake. Somebody told me in 2014. I like it this way.

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