me make it resistant to the $5 wrench attack?
Attacker has to find my derivation paths. I sometimes forget where my derivation paths are at rn. It is a lot harder than it looks. $5 wrench attack on wallet. And it might be missing addresses from my EC wallet. If I am getting beat with the wrench, I am not going to be in a problem solving state to find my BCH for the attacker. The $5 wrench attacker will have to know about "scanning the gap" too. Is it account 141? Or 283? With my BCH Or 12?
what do you have in mind? slip39 is interesting
The issues you have with that wallet are automated and fixed in other wallets like for instance Flowee Pay
Decentralize signing to you and four other people. In a special 2 of 4 multisig (and multiparty) where your signature is required plus another. No wallet currently does this. People leave their cash money in banks for a reason. The same reason is why people would want this kind of a system. It will be different in that none of the signing parties and not even a conspiracy could confiscate funds.
EC already does multisig. SLIP39 would be more advanced style of multisig
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