isnt enough?
It's not enough to demand other people make a twitter account that you think they should instead of doing it yourself
It's not harming anyone. But helping? No. Why would you think that you're helping by just posting ideas? At a football game the fans can shout as loudly as they want to, but unless the actual footballers go and kick that ball, it ain't moving.
That's why I'm not a big fan of the someone meme. Everyone does a bit by being a BCH user. Either by buying or telling friends or just propping up the user count of channels or forums. And sometimes someone has an idea that is out of their skill level, comfort zone, price range or possibilities. It doesn't hurt to voice that idea (without the expectation that someone picks it up for free) because someone might be able to do it without much effort or likes the idea so much that they don't mind the effort. What the someone meme does is shut all these ideas up. /rant end
i use bch for 8 years
I agree but also find the constant stream of "BCH should" un-helpful. There are many in the community that are working at 200% to build what we have. "BCH" is you too. So the things that "BCH Should" do are also the things that you should do. There are vastly more "BCH Should" posts than there are "How can I help" posts. (not talking about anyone in the current conversation specifically.
Which is just the state of things, because ideas are easy implementing is hard. And I agree that we should encourage people to start doing. But the someone meme has this dark side to it that is all i wanted to say. Maybe someone can come up with a better meme 🤓😉
someone should come up with a better meme
The fans are what makes it possible for the footballers to play professionally and so often.. Everyone in BCH is important and should be cherished 💚
The someone meme was changed ti be more positive, wish I was lived more though /someone
You see something needs doing, something needs to change and someone must do something: That someone is you, and you can create that change! The world needs dreamers, and it needs those dreamers to turn their dreams into real tomorrows. You’ve got this 👍 #freedom #liberty #bch
Agree wholeheartedly with the desired outcome: BCH will benefit far more from people Taking action and actioning their idea. And think that motivating people to take action is a good cause. And if unable to motivate, it’s likely better to ignore. Because negativity doesn’t just suck energy away from them, it sucks it from others in the room.
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