210 похожих чатов

Hello everyone, sorry for asking as I guess this has

already been answered a thousand times but...

I m a bit concerned about the FTM -> S swap. I m hodler and quiet exposed and have no clue about repercussions when a swap will happen and that both coins will remain for a while...

If FTM holders swap to S, at 1:1 what are we supposed to expect about price action of FTM (and S) ? I read : "same supply"... but I don t really understand what this all means...

Ftm shall dump ? S pump ? Both pump ?

This would all be simplier if the exchanges would auto swap 1:1. I don t undestand those plans nore what to expect.

If someone could take 5 minutes to explain this in understandable words I d be more than greatfull and I guess this would help many.

I realise no one can see the future or price actions... but do you ever experienced such a thing ? Swap but 2 coins coexisting ?

Many thanks

6 ответов

19 просмотров

+1 I also have your questions

100% agree on this

That means that the supply of ftm and s will be the same for 6 months. So the price of ftm and s will be the same. And 6 months later once more supply of s comes in from. Airdrops then there might be a slight variation between prices

Mcjig'sNode (pugswap.io)
That means that the supply of ftm and s will be th...

That's what I don't quite understand, there will be 2 capitalizations? money x2?


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