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Hello guys. Few weeks ago I asked about the source of

buybacks and I was told that they are happening on-chain via multiple dexs.

However when I tracked the transactions on-chain, it became very clear to me that the buybacks are happening off-chain (aka cex) for transparency purposes, could the team provide the trade history of that account so we can see it for ourselves?

I believe the one of the main point of having an AIA was to make the buybacks transparent and on-chain.

This is the wallet that I tracked


You can see that it will lead all the way to the buyback wallet here


Main source of xvs is Binance wallet

Thanks for your explanation in advance.

5 ответов

19 просмотров

Hello mate, i have no details about it, Danny will surely answer you on this point when he sees your message, anyway we know that the liquidity of XVS on DEXs is not as high as we need for now, with higher transactions the price impact could even exceed 10%. Buybacks need to be channeled in such a way that we do not unnecessarily lose a significant part of the funds used for them, which is probably why this path was chosen.

Miracle- Автор вопроса
Dom | Venus 🇨🇿
Hello mate, i have no details about it, Danny will...

It makes perfect sense that the slippage could cause loss of funds. But it can be fixed by using fraction of the treasury to add more on-chain liquidity. However when V4 was released, it promised more transparency in regards of buybacks. So I feel like we shouldn’t tell the community that buybacks are happening “on different dexes” when its actually happening on binance ^^

It makes perfect sense that the slippage could cau...

This proposal to increase liquidity is already being reviewed by the team, so I believe we will see it soon, I have added some of my ideas to it. Anyway, there is also a queue of other important VIPs that need to be processed. As I mentioned, I don't have this data in hand but I'm sure Danny will get back to you soon. 😉


Actually its better to buy on cex and move xvs to on-chain. Imo the less supply on CEXs the better.

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