209 похожих чатов

Hi everyone. I'm looking for an API that will tell

me the amount of HEX staked for a given ETH address, does it exist? thanks

13 ответов

4 просмотра

you can find that info from hex.vision and on staker app if you have the public address. hex.vision might have an api

Talu- Автор вопроса

yes but i m looking for an API

You never need the private key to read data from the blockchain. You only need the key for signing transactions.

Talu- Автор вопроса
Nenad [I won't dm you]
An API for what data?

Well i just need a JSON API that returns the list of stakes + their value and when they end for a given ETH address

For just getting the info about stake start day, size and length, should be easy, as that means just reading the Start stake transactions. For accrued interest, one needs to read daily contract data and do some calculations. You can maybe ask @Ke_ZR0 (he built stakehex.today), if he can give you some advice. Or just go to @HexCryptoDev and ask there.

Talu- Автор вопроса
Well i just need a JSON API that returns the list ...

Just use infura.io with ethers.js — you can read from the contract directly. As Nenad pointed out, you’ll get lots more help in https://t.me/HexCryptoDev


Talu (2) has increased reputation of Ke (126)

There’s also a subgraph. Search the dev chat for subgraph.

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