210 похожих чатов

Hi Matt, thanks. i want to try staking. For example i

want to stake chainlink. I pay some fees and start staking.

the apr is around 15% a year. but this can change every day?
why is it changing? Also do i get the rewards every day? week? how doe it work?

4 ответов

7 просмотров

hey there, yes the APR is 15% if you provide LINK to the pool and rewards are in BNT. rewards change with increase/decrease of LPs joining the pool. rewards are paid daily you will see them accumulating in your portfolio page 🙂

Matt AmaZix
hey there, yes the APR is 15% if you provide LINK ...

We stake Link .... when received reward in BNT of value price of link ?

Cryto Space
No answer ? Admin

Hi there, David! These are the two revenue streams: 1. Liquidity mining program: you get LM rewards (paid in BNT) for providing liquidity. The percentages you're seeing on the Rewards column are yearly estimations for both the BNT side and the TKN side. You will only be able to stake single sided and which ever side you stake you get rewards for that side. Please keep in mind that estimated APR is based on the maximum (2x multiplier) and it fluctuates according to how much liquidity is in the pool, and BNT's price. Learn how it works here: https://docs.bancor.network/faqs#3-bnt-liquidity-mining 2. Swap fees (from trades) - APR can be found on the APR column and these fees are received in the token you staked. They are compounded automatically into your LP position. Read more: https://docs.bancor.network/faqs#what-kind-of-fees-can-you-earn

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