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Is it absolutely necessary to move my omi out of

my trust wallet?

3 ответов

7 просмотров

Short answer yes. Or else you will need to manually convert which is the most expensive

‘The token swap site is the most expensive option of the 3, as it requires you to pay gas (transaction costs) using GO and Ether (ETH)- the native token of the Ethereum blockchain. Depending on network congestion, these transactions could cost anywhere from $30-$100 worth of ETH (or more), and bridging between L1/L2 will also require ETH to pay for transaction costs.’

Your decision Garrison. NOTE: The token swap site is the most expensive option of the 3, as it requires you to pay gas (transaction costs) using GO and Ether (ETH)- the native token of the Ethereum blockchain. Depending on network congestion, these transactions could cost anywhere from $30-$100 worth of ETH (or more), and bridging between L1/L2 will also require ETH to pay for transaction costs.

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