209 похожих чатов

Hi mates. new to year and was trying to make

my 1st deposit. I pressed approved and after a minute trx had not passed so i turned to blockexplorer. After 30 sec it got confirmed but yearn still shows as pending. I refreshed yearn page and aprove is still active. Do i have to approve again or i can do something else since the initial approe trx has been confirmed? Thank you for your time reading this. (Scammers do not bother to pm me)

4 ответов

11 просмотров

Was it on fantom? Maybe you need to wait a few blocks

I would just deposit again and it should do the actual deposit transaction this time, since you already did the approval

The_Observer- Автор вопроса
Dark Ghosty
I would just deposit again and it should do the ac...

Deposit is grayed out. So i guess i will try to approve again. Much obliged for your try to help

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