209 похожих чатов

Hello YFI, I entered into a V2 vault and after

2 days the home page still shows me Earnings $0. Why is this? Do I have to wait for the vault to harvest before seeing this value increase?

9 ответов

27 просмотров

Hi there. Send me a message I’ll check

We are so sorry for the inconvenience. Kindly send me a DM (direct message) so I can investigate this issue with the team and remember admin/our team will never DM you first

Always Believe in God

Reported dudesahn [6329622379] to admins.​​​​​​​​​​​​​

harvest frequency varies massively per vault from days to weeks to months, depending on yield earned, tvl, chain

Fede- Автор вопроса
harvest frequency varies massively per vault from ...

Thanks J, how can I tell the harvest frequency of the vault? For instance, the Curve MIM Factory (Ethereum) vault under the Harvests tab shows me No harvests yet. Do you know if the vault is working?

Thanks J, how can I tell the harvest frequency of ...

you cant. not knowing harvest frequency prevents gaming of vaults (eg. deposit before harvest, withdraw after harvest). looking at the vault's transaction history can show you some average though. https://etherscan.io/address/0xa540744DEDBDA9eF64cf753F0E851EfE4a419EA9

Fede- Автор вопроса
you cant. not knowing harvest frequency prevents g...

Makes sense! What function should I be looking for? I don't see any Harvest call

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