209 похожих чатов

God whale Stakes $196M Good marketing with Hex car in Daytona

Richard buys the Diamond
End of Pulse Sacrifice…
And The price drops 50% or so…..
Someone help me out here…
I keep hearing stake and be patient…
When will this price pump?
Airdrop coming.
Would think it would be great buying time to get the hex match on PulseChain…..?

2 ответов

0 просмотров

I can see panicking and paper hands unfolding. Don't worry about the price soom out and see the charts for what they are. Hex does this time and time again. Pulsex and pulse won't effect the price to much.

MK-2010 Автор вопроса
I can see panicking and paper hands unfolding. Don...

Hope you are right brother. Some ride…. And a lot of positive things happening with hex and Project s Would not think ghost is the time for such a dip .10 I Bought into the changing wealth story and will be continuity perform like Bitcoin/ eth 1-4 year chart prices were looking great . Although just a chart and trends. Will see

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