210 похожих чатов

Anyone know a good place to stake Solana for an

Ontario resident?

5 ответов

11 просмотров

There are ten 🔟 options to stake your SOL token 📖 https://docs.solana.com/staking 1️⃣ Phantom App https://phantom.app/blog/solana-staking-in-just-3-clicks Tutorial: https://twitter.com/stakefish/status/1428924822424363015 2️⃣ SOLFLARE 》Stake SOL token on solflare without ledger: 🎦 Video guide : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Tf0os-JRcs 📝 Article guide: https://medium.com/@stakingfac/how-to-stake-on-solana-with-solflare-a-keystore-file-9f7cd5fba169 Staking SOL with Solflare Crypto-Wallet” by Víctor | melea: https://link.medium.com/q872cfJqLab 》 Stake SOL token using solflare and ledger Nano S: 🎦 Video guide: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EAWJ12Y4v_M 📝 Article guide : https://medium.com/@stakingfac/how-to-stake-on-solana-with-solflare-a-ledger-nano-s-bdcc90d769c7 Website: https://solflare.com Telegram: @SolFlare_Wallet ➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖ 3️⃣ ON LEDGER 》Stake SOL token using Command Line Interface (CLI) and Ledger Nano S 🎦 Video Guide : https://youtu.be/jg2WQcfAXHo 📝 Article Guide: (On ledger Nano X & S) https://link.medium.com/duLh90X9pab 📋https://docs.solana.com/cli/delegate-stake 📖 More tutorials are available : https://stake2earn.com/how-to-stake-solana-with-ledger-nano-x.html https://stake2earn.com/how-to-stake-solana-with-keystore-file.html ➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖ 4️⃣ Moonlet https://bit.ly/2MV4muZ 5️⃣ FTX http://ftx.com/staking 6️⃣ Binance https://www.binance.com/en/support/announcement/a5c507485f7843d8b3a3800fee3c1f84 7️⃣ Exodus https://www.exodus.com/blog/how-to-stake-solana-on-exodus/ 8️⃣ Atomic wallet https://atomicwallet.io/solana-staking 9️⃣ Kraken https://www.kraken.com/u/funding/staking 🔟 OKex https://www.okex.com/earn/announce

Dmitry- Автор вопроса
Group Butler [beta]
There are ten 🔟 options to stake your SOL token 📖...

Thank you for this, seeing that there are some of those ten options inaccessible to Ontario Residents, can you please let me know which options don’t care where you’re from?

You may select your preferred option! Phantom or solflare! Phantom staking guide : https://phantom.app/blog/solana-staking-in-just-3-clicks

Dmitry- Автор вопроса
Mahib (Never PM for money and DM first)
You may select your preferred option! Phantom or s...

Awesome. Thank you. I’ll give phantom a go since it seems the simplest/most straightforward click and stake.

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