209 похожих чатов

Hey @Jamie_UK I'm trying to understand FTM staking on ankr.

Lets say I stake 1000 FTM, the 1000 FTM will turn into aFTMb correct?

5 ответов

5 просмотров

Correct it’s 1:1 pegged. But you can use aFTMb for other yields

Check this https://medium.com/ankr-network/new-fantom-liquid-staking-earn-more-with-your-ftm-d8cb87dbe1ca

M-A Автор вопроса
Kay | Ankr (Not DM you first)
Check this https://medium.com/ankr-network/new-fan...

Thanks. Outside of liquidity mining and farming, is it possible to simply stake the aFTMb?

Thanks. Outside of liquidity mining and farming, i...

I don’t think so, it’s only liquidity mining at current stage

M-A Автор вопроса
Kay | Ankr (Not DM you first)
I don’t think so, it’s only liquidity mining at cu...

Also, is liquidity mining simply the equivalent of providing liquidty?

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