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Hi, You asked a question about Unibright on our website. They

recently chose not to renew.

I am unsure of the reasons as they previously were very active in our work.

May I ask who you are with?




James Harsh

Membership Growth Specialist


Ethereum Development ~ Adoption ~ Collaboration ~ Networking

7 ответов

9 просмотров

Interesting answer 😃 "were very active" sounds like we never founded Baseledger 😉 I am not sure if everyone at EEA knows the exact details of the content of TaskForces, TSCs, PRoducts and so on, and that's totally ok

Stefan Schmidt
Interesting answer 😃 "were very active" sounds lik...

In your experience, was EEA a fertile ground to get potential new clients? I was asking (not trolling) because from my (layman’s perspective) it seemed like a good environment at this time since you just launched.

In your experience, was EEA a fertile ground to ge...

It was a great ground to find hackathon participants, so rather colleagues than clients.

J-S Автор вопроса
Stefan Schmidt
Interesting answer 😃 "were very active" sounds lik...

Stefan, I think his and your answer match, he confirms what you said earlier, that it is a paid membership and it was your decision not to renew it. 👍

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