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Hi everyone! I have a two-folded message to share today.

First: updates and news, as we are being asked for those.

We still want to go like we did the last 6 years: we will post here updates and information when we see fit. Everything we communicated here end of February still holds – we are working an all these ends (and a few more) and will share details here in due time. I know that is not what everybody wants to here but it is the way we roll and the way things are. Like, in the recent years we work on Unibright’s portfolio of products and services, empowered by our utility token!

Secondly, I very much want to look at the nature of this TG group an what it has become. There have been great discussions here going on in the past, and we as a team got valuable input from this group. I am very thankful for that!
Now it seems to me, this is becoming to some degree an unhealthy environment, where anonymous people make bold, over-simplistic or just FALSE statements (of which I think they know they er false) to force team-members including myself to defend against or argue against. This “method” is sadly very much in use in these somewhat populistic times. Sure, anybody can have their opinions and make false statements (at least to some degree), but I will not be forced to argue against those all the times.

Just to give some context, looking at the last three messages here:

“Vinzenz” thinks Unibright “completely ignores the need of its customers”. Additionally, he calls us cheeky and arrogant

“Boo Urns” thinks Baseledger is a “dead network” and finds my statement about Baseledger nodes being jailed “Beyond unacceptable”. Furthermore, he is informing Stefan and me that we need to hold some accountability for this community.

“Crypto traveller” implies we are not communicating with the community and should “start” communicating with the community after building a user-friendly black-jack with UBT as utility token.

I hope that at least some can see what I am talking about.

Normally I would ignore all of these statements as I will not be forced to argue against over-simplistic and false statements.
For the sake of the example, I will except from that rule: look at the “Baseledger is a dead network thing”: last time I checked, Baseledger was up and running and used. Different entities are running nodes, some of them are jailed, I stand by my remark that It would be good if the nodes get unjailed by the people running them. Because Baseledger is a decentralized network and can not be run by Unibright alone. We NEED others to run nodes, contribute to the code, find customers and help in different ways. It is MEANT to be a team effort.

So why do I have to defend myself, the team and Baseledger against the remark of an anonymous user who just claims that it is a dead network? Sure, we all want more transactions and so on, but this form of “communication” is just not helping anyone.

I will stop giving more examples here before it starts hurting. Would be great to see this kind of energy and involvement in our Github repositories or within the Baseledger community. This would help the project!

We should have a healthy environment in which people want to communicate and that feels like there are some rational discussions possible to help the project and the people involved. This has been the case in the past – but now it might be we have to think about another/better way to collaborate and communicate.

Oftentimes, anonymous users just posting “something” are hard to talk to, one has no background on them nor does one know whether they are even real, not bots or whether they are interested in a rational discussion.

I truly believe that everyone’s time and resources are too valuable as to be spent in toxic types of communication. Btw, I think that holds in general and not only for this group.

All the best to everyone

31 ответов

104 просмотра


I’ve just looked on Unibright‘s Github Repository, because you asked for help: „Would be great to see this kind of energy and involvement in our Github repositories or within the Baseledger community. This would help the project!“ But the last change on Github is from January 2023: https://github.com/unibrightIO Or maybe I‘m looking on the wrong place. Can you share an other link with current data, please?

Thank you Marten for taking the time to share your thoughts I Fully agree on this: "We should have a healthy environment in which people want to communicate and that feels like there are some rational discussions possible to help the project and the people involved. This has been the case in the past – but now it might be we have to think about another/better way to collaborate and communicate." Some of my thoughts: I think we have a lot of smart and motivated people in the Unibright community. People from all parts of the world, all kinds of professions and many different kinds of strengths. It would be great to see this community make use of its strength to help UB/UBT to flourish. To realise this, I think that the community could use a bit more coordination in how we can best contribute, I am not that tech-savvy myself to fully understand UB’s technology, but I am willing to step up and do what I can to help. Maybe Jack would be willing to coordinate this? Giving some clear directions to the community in how (and how not) we can contribute (using twitter/X for example). We could also first form a small group of people to discuss this. I also think that having a certain rhythm in communication will take away a lot of uncertainty and frustration for the community. If people know that on the first Monday of the month there will be a small update, then they won’t start complaining half through the month about when we will finally hear something. Whether this is a short chat with the community, or a written responds to 5 preselected questions, that's all be perfect, it’s the regularity that will make a huge difference imho. I think in general almost everyone here wants the best for UB’s future, let’s join forces, bring back the positivity and make this a (Uni)bright 2024!

Hi Marten, I agree that the level of conversation has fallen drastically recently. To the point I’m not interested really in reading it on a daily (or even weekly) basis. I do think there could have been much more effort on communication from UB side though. What have been asked for for several years, like a monthly message of what does not have to be important announcements or anything at all, is not at all much to ask in my opinion. Yet communication has been reduced even more to only a few times every year. Personally, I think you have been spoiled by very little questions and demands over the years and have gotten used to that. If this was in the real world, with investors/shareholders, this would not be acceptable at all. In the past, there was real hope (given often unrealistic) that UB would be something great. Now, after 6 and a half years, it’s harder to have much hope without something concrete to show for like real profitability and usage. I was very excited when I read your 2023 recap in the end of December, especially the part about fostering innovation and more communication. But when look back at it now, it’s hard to see any changes, at least from the outside. I could write a book, but much more important is to put things in perspective and look at how the overall situation can be improved. You guys are clearly great builders, but I think a different structure might be needed. What comes to mind for me is hiring a full time communications/sales person. Not only a go-between and handling tweets and marketing, but use this person to explore and expand to other area and industries as well. Time to branch out. How about places like Singapore and the US? Just some of my thoughs. Hope we can find a more suitable and easier solution to this which benefits all greatly. I think it’s easily possible if we keep an open mind. Thanks

Hi Marten, I agree that the level of conversation...

I’ll be willing to help out as suggested , Singapore does look like a good place to expand. We’re all investors here & i totally agree that we should be responsible for our own decisions & financial , however i do hope more communication & confidence can be given by the team as we trusted you guys :) For some helped with fundraising during IDO , for others , invested because we do see very bright future.Maybe you do not see yourself as a leader/ chooses not to be a leader , but please do take note that you’re the CEO of Unibright, and it means something. Naturally, we’ll look up to you as a leader/ person of strength. Its not an option for you to discard this responsibility of yours( not saying u did ). Moving forward, i do wish for the outlook of 2024 to be fulfilled. Wishing you all the best.

Marten | Unibright.io- Автор вопроса
Hi Marten, I agree that the level of conversation...

Thanks for your detailled input. Will be digested. Just a few remarks: what is "acceptable" to you in the real world in terms of communication, is of course up to you. But keep in mind that our communicaiton in the real world (customers, stakeholders, etc.) is different/comes on top to things like communicaiton in this TG group. Our 2023 recap is not so long ago - things in the real world need time. Might be we were able to move faster in the past. I could come up with the pareto rule, stating that the first 80% of almost everything are more or less fast&easy and then it gets tougher. About being spoiöed by very little questions and demands over the last years, i hope you are kidding. The last years with UB have been anything but not of little demand or little question. You seem to be an intelligent and elaborate person: why not start writing the book you mentioned......... Best

Marten | Unibright.io- Автор вопроса
I’ll be willing to help out as suggested , Singapo...

Leader is (among other things) a bad choice of words to me, like historically. Makes sense?

Marten | Unibright.io
Leader is (among other things) a bad choice of wo...

Maybe… but thank you for taking your time to read through. Hope the community is still important to you & all the best. Looking forward for the next official update.

Marten | Unibright.io
Thanks for your detailled input. Will be digested....

Hey Marten, what is your current outlook on Baseledger getting used? Is it getting perceived better? Also, do you feel confident on future partnerships and future industrious partnership in the pipeline ?

Regarding the jailed nodes, it’s not exactly a great look that the industrious node is jailed. In an ideal world more partners would run nodes, S1Seven for example? But what incentives are there for people to run new nodes just now? As it’s my understanding they would be running at a loss?

Marten | Unibright.io- Автор вопроса
Hey Marten, what is your current outlook on Basele...

I see a great future for Baseledger if all parties involved contribute and help building the network. It is vital to understand that Unibright cannot make Baseledger great on its own. I is a decentralized network in need of multiple independent parties. I mean, that is the idea of being decentrlaized. Makes no senso for us to host all nodes or pay people to host nodes (which is technically the same). So again, it is a team effort. In general, i think blockchain technology (and crypto) is now here to stay. It is a unique addition to the exsiting tech stack as well as to the existing assets.

Marten | Unibright.io- Автор вопроса
Marten | Unibright.io- Автор вопроса
Marten | Unibright.io
Just read what i just posted, please.

The incentive structure and our joint vision for Baseledger is well documented, by the way.

Marten | Unibright.io- Автор вопроса
Marten | Unibright.io
The incentive structure and our joint vision for B...

To give a ( rather far fetched) analogy. Tell me: What where the incentives for Satoshi Nakamoto (he/she/it) to run the first Bitcoin nodes 2009/2010? (Trying to make you reflect a bit....)

Marten | Unibright.io
I see a great future for Baseledger if all parties...

“All parties involved” unibright, industrious and is there more? We appreciate you do not have time to hang around telegram for hours on end daily or weekly Marten, but if your self or Stefan could drop in every now and then even an hour or so (monthly) I’m sure it would help to ease the negative feelings/comments within the community

Marten | Unibright.io
Leader is (among other things) a bad choice of wo...

thank you for taking your time Marten, I am super excited about the partnership with FairlyTrained and what you guys are building. I hope we can all bring back positivity, and as a community start creating valuable input again. 🙋🏼‍♂️💪🙏🏻

Marten | Unibright.io
To give a ( rather far fetched) analogy. Tell me:...

Hello Marten, i see all the discussions here that will not be happen if the token has 20x up its value. You can understand that in this sector , the speculation is only main focus target for most people. Continue to build and stay focus on your target. Does Unibright has decrease in development or skills since April 2021? I think not. Only in token price. This sector is driven by head dog and head turtle. That show the level of serious when you want to build a ramp between blockchain and real partners or economy. So stay strong and motivated. Unitroopers 😉 keep faith in you

Marten | Unibright.io- Автор вопроса
Stevo Payne
“All parties involved” unibright, industrious and ...

Sure, there is more. You are free to read about the parties involved in the Baseledger Council and count the nodes: it is more than 3. In fact, everyone (sic!) can and is invited to join as a node operator or contributor in any form. That is how Baseledger was started and evolved up until today, although pace was a bit slower in the last months. When Baseledger is seen as a rather centralized "thing" ran by Unibright, that is a bad thing and decreases its market potential. It has to be a decentralized (AKA multi-party/no single point of failure) approach.

Marten | Unibright.io- Автор вопроса
Moon C
Hello Marten, i see all the discussions here that ...

Thanks for your input! Appreciated. Dev power is roughly the same as 2021.

Marten | Unibright.io- Автор вопроса
Is this being ignored?

No intended ignoring form my side. You are pointed to a very valid thing: After Unibright's inital development and setup of Baseledger, there have been no contrubutions since early 2023. That isone of the reasons why i all the time emphasize that Baseledger is a team effort, where everyone contribute and we need people to contribute, for exmaple via Github.

Marten | Unibright.io
Thanks for your detailled input. Will be digested....

I think there is a difference in how we perceive things, let's dig a bit deeper. First of all, I do think there are similarities between raising funds in order to create a business whether it's in the real world or crypto. It's much of the same concept, yet different in many ways. If you raised funds in the real world in order to create UB, be it a start-up or as an existing company, you have a small group of experienced people that you have to answer to, and those investors are expecting progress and returns on their investments over time. In crypto, it's pretty much the same, except you have a few thousand very different (and often unexperienced) people who are in one single group or ecosystem. This leads to all kind of things. All kinds of opinions on pretty much everything like price, how does this work, suggestions of improvements, etc. And under some conditions it can evolve into something a bit toxic. Sadly, the community has been deteriorating in recent times. It's been a long bear market and the hope and beliefs of the community is visibly not as strong as before. I am in no way saying this is all your fault, the community has to do its part as well, but ultimately it's your responsibility and best interest to lay a structure that could help improve this situation, as I don't believe it could fix itself at this point. I really do think UB team has been shielded by a strong community and admins for a long time. They have done a great job keeping the reigns and keeping people in line, shutting some people down in the few cases that has been needed, and thus leading to a much easier life for the team. This is not always the case in many communities, and the founders and team are often much more involved in day-to-day activities and communication. While in UB, how often have you actually had to come and say a few words? I don't think people have had high demands or expectations of this side at all. The absolute majority understand that you first of all are builders and respect that. I personally don't think that is where your skillset or interest is, and that is totally fine, but there is a minimum that would be required of communication and information, and that has not been sufficient. That's why I suggested hiring a person who would be involved in the day-to-day business and would take care of some of these tasks and others like marketing and sales. This would make your job a lot easier and you can spend more of your valuable time building the future.

Marten | Unibright.io- Автор вопроса
I think there is a difference in how we perceive t...

Thanks for the detailled input. Duly noted. I see alot of interesting food for thought in your input and at the same time think it is totally fine to disagree on certain issues.

Marten | Unibright.io
I see a great future for Baseledger if all parties...

What is happening in the US these days is very interesting. They might become more open to the blockchain concept now than most other countries. They even have to learn about what is Ethereum 😉

All this bitch ass talk and can't even give a proper update, this is an instant ban but fuck you marten you lying POS. Have the balls to say this was a failed vaporware, fuck you cunt

Marten | Unibright.io- Автор вопроса
All this bitch ass talk and can't even give a prop...

Having a bad night? Maybe a ban would make you feel better 😃

Marten | Unibright.io- Автор вопроса
All this bitch ass talk and can't even give a prop...

Ok, took the time to ggogle it: on quora someone defines it as "Vaporware is used to describe software that does not exist," Is that what you are talking about? If so, which part exactly of UB's portfolio are you referring to?

All this bitch ass talk and can't even give a prop...

Really? Your like a broken record man. Go enjoy something rather than be so angry

Stevo Payne
Really? Your like a broken record man. Go enjoy so...

This dude created a new account to get back in, BAN!

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