210 похожих чатов

Ok, it's been fun accumulating but can we please get

a reasonable timeline on an official update?

6 ответов

1 просмотр

stay tuned is all we’ll have till then mate

stay tuned is all we’ll have till then mate

That’s all we ever here recently 😂

stay tuned is all we’ll have till then mate

We’ve been staying tuned for years lol

Owen Mason I’ll Never Pm You First
Just keep exercising patience

I will be dead soon with all the goddamned patience you preach. Its getting old bro, honestly. How can you keep on with the same BS day in and day out. I dont say anything and its at the point where you should stop with the same BS and start asking the same questions we are. Maybe we will get some answers instead of being continually silenced to "stay tuned" and "stay patient". You sound like the govt with the propaganda you keep on with.

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