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Where can you go to see the average hex stake


7 ответов

2 просмотра
M-A Автор вопроса

Thanks. I'm trying to better understand the relationship between shares and the price of hex and what the shares really do or mean. Can you please elaborate on that?

Thanks. I'm trying to better understand the relati...

sure, read these: Hexicans.info/shares Hexicans.info/interest Hexicans.info/hexonomics

M-A Автор вопроса

Can you help me understand what drives the value of the tshare? is it related to the price of hex, the number of stakes?

Well I've been in Hex since December 2020...I jumped in as soon as I discovered it

then your good !!! keep DCAing in

Of course brother. I was just using " lolz" because I have more than 1 t share so if you only need 1 to become a billionaire then what if you have more than 1 lolz

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