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The 1.5% loss is basically the impermanent loss on the

wombat LP pool at the time of the hack. If one person withdrew at that time they would get 100%, but if EVERYONE withdrew at that time everyone woudl only get 0.985. This is the risk you take when entering into an LP and is not a direct consequence of the hack which ankr is otherwise fully compensating for. Likewise on the PCS double-side LP we are also taking any impermanent loss hit even when we get back the 'full' amount. You thought you would get the reltively high returns on a BNB-peg without any risk? sorry to tell you...

1 ответов

1 просмотр

Can you tell me what to expect if I had an LP on Ellipsis? I received the ankrBnb (aBnbb) I had in the pool and I guess I’ll receive the rest as Bnb. This is the IL you mean. The pool was not perfectly balanced but that’s fine to me

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