209 похожих чатов

Thanks ankr team for the great work so far compensating

users. Realise that the focus currently is still on finalising the compensation and working through the remaining pools and users, but are you able to confirm:
1) Rough timeline for when the BNB staking service will be resumed to allow staking / withdrawing
2) If there is a plan to re-implement the ankrBNB-related liquidity pools on PCS / others?

4 ответов

4 просмотра

I’ll ask these questions to the team!

Jonah- Автор вопроса
Diogo ANKR
I’ll ask these questions to the team!

great, cheers. I just saw that there is now some liquidity on PCS at least so selling is an option, but would be good to know whether worth keeping for PCS farm purposes

Diogo ANKR
I’ll ask these questions to the team!

Which projects will receive airdrop compensation next?

Which projects will receive airdrop compensation n...

Please check this https://t.me/anrknetworkann/912https://t.me/anrknetworkann/912

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