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How can CKBull give 2.5% APC rewards to DAO stakers?

Not from their own pockets I assume.

4 ответов

5 просмотров

The APC of NervosDAO is from the secondary emission of Nervos. It is not given by CKBull. Nervos has two types of emissions. Primary emission and secondary emission. The secondary issuance is like a tax that is paid through targeted inflation by making use of the onchain state. If you deposit in NervosDAO that tax that you would pay through inflation, the DAO returns it to you. Therefore if you are in the DAO, you protect yourself from the secondary emission, only the primary emission affects you.

Ckbull doesn't "give" anything. Ckbull is wallet software that presents information on the blockchain to you. NervosDAO compensation is explained in depth in many other articles/resources.

Jake- Автор вопроса
Alejandro (Won't DM first)
The APC of NervosDAO is from the secondary emissio...

Interesting. I don’t know much about DAO. I will read more about it

Interesting. I don’t know much about DAO. I will r...

To understand the economic model this article is highly recommended: https://link.medium.com/JmYUGoXdUvb

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