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10 просмотров

Will waves 2.0 affect in any way our current waves holdings?

Will waves 2.0 affect in any way our current waves...

Hey. Thank you for your question. Waves 2.0 shouldn't affect your savings in any way. I invite you to read more about the Waves 🌊 (1 ➝ 2) transformation in our documentation: https://wavestech.notion.site/wavestech/Waves-is-Transforming-1-2-c57b90770e314a5cb3ee6d1d1e6710af

By the way, just want to add some info to your question. As shown on the roadmap at the conference in Dubai. Waves 2.0 on Mainnet is planned for April. A whitepaper with more information is also coming out soon 😁

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