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👽 Outpost Season 13 has a variety of NFTs up

for redemption, including a selection of Avatars, Minions, Tools and Weapons. We will also be hosting another Drill Days event at the end of the Season, and you will be pleased to know that the resolution between the Shovellers’ Union and the Standard Drill Company is holding up well, meaning that Standard Drill User Point requirements are remaining stable. Check out the article for more details.✨️

📌 Read more: https://alienworlds.medium.com/1abc7bbca023?source=friends_link&sk=716d48167ea81742f68396ef54956e99

3 ответов

6 просмотров

these epic andd rare looks amazings!!!

these epic andd rare looks amazings!!!

yep, but more amazon Legendary and mythic 😂

M͢͢͢ℝ•Ƭ is M€ alienworlds.io
yep, but more amazon Legendary and mythic 😂

ofcourse, mate, but... to me It will be amazing to have one rare or one epic

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