210 похожих чатов

Hello everyone, pretty new here. 2 questions please: 1. The

TEDP4 was added to bring additional team members or is it used for more than this ? 2. Can I use the staked telos sTLOS for anything right now in order to get some additional apr ?

2 ответов

8 просмотров

Welcome to Telos! 1. Yes, the Tedp4 was added to bring in additional team members like the recent hiring for the zkevm approach, along with some other initiatives to cement our position as a go-to network for gaming. 2. You can use tlos-stlos LP on Swapsicle i believe right now, but since we were affected by Multichain, we are waiting for a bridge to kinda re-start Defi on Telos once again. Expect some announcements in this regard soon! 💪🏻

You can also have around 10% apr on @ArchlyFinance for stlos/tlos pair👌

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