210 похожих чатов

Wouldn’t it be a great idea if Moonbeam did like

an NFT collection where you could claim an NFT (bronze,silver,gold,diamond,…) for the amount of tx your wallet has? This NFT could than be permanently burned in the moonbeam dapp and give a small multiplier on staking (for a certain period).

-100tx: bronze NFT: 1.02x multiplier
-250tx: Silver NFT: 1.04x multiplier
-500tx: gold NFT: 1.06x multiplier

Would be a nice way to:
-incentivize making tx on moonbeam (deflationary aspect)
-engaging with the community
-have more NFT activity on chain
-incentivize staking in the dapp
-attracting new users

I don’t really understand why MF seems so unbothered. All these nice things we can do with almost no effort but it seems to me like it’s not even worth it to them (galxe campaigns, NFT collections, cool competitions, a bit of hype on twitter, community engagement…) seems to me like moonbeam is asleep

1 ответов

13 просмотров

hey, we appreciate the initiative, you can contact @phil_y_n to discuss such things

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