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Pisses me off, gonna write an email. What are good

arguments to lower this from an exchange point of view? What are other big exchanges using?

3 ответов

18 просмотров

Yeah a lot of other exchanges and payment providers fuck around with too many confirmation. Wtf? How about 1?

molecular#123 🐓- Автор вопроса
Joe Fintec
Yeah a lot of other exchanges and payment provider...

Especially when you can just open for trading and allow withdraw of the proceeds later. That way the risk is greatly reduced. No more surface for a double spend attack if you can't withdraw the coins.

molecular#123 🐓- Автор вопроса

Got a mail back saying they escalated to devs. Not sure if true. Same for another email about blockexplorer links going to bitcoin.com explorer.

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