209 похожих чатов

Hmmm.. Please, why is the Redemption fee of OETH higher

than that of OUSD?🤔

7 ответов

7 просмотров

What do you mean? Can you elaborate a bit more?

Mr. Daniee- Автор вопроса
Joe | Origin Protocol
What do you mean? Can you elaborate a bit more?

Was looking at the docs chart.. it's like 0.25% and 0.50% as given

Mr. Daniee
Was looking at the docs chart.. it's like 0.25% an...

Hi thanks, I still don’t understand what your question is. I’m very sorry. If you can rephrase your question because now you’re asking about what’s given but before you were inquiring about fees.

@farid318 can help maybe

Mr. Daniee
Was looking at the docs chart.. it's like 0.25% an...

Yes, this is correct. You can check more here: https://docs.oeth.com/how-it-works (Selling OTokens section)

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