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For an entire year, I put the major Telegram crypto

channels to the test. My objective was well-defined: to craft my proprietary trading method and ensure a steady income through my own efforts.

For your information: the objective was not accomplished, and here's the justification:

Navigating through renowned traders' channels: a treasure trove of intriguing trading knowledge. I even purchased their courses. Commenced my exploration of Technical Analysis. Yet, did I see any financial gain? Unfortunately, no. These traders retail educational material, suggesting their trading prowess isn't substantial.

The channel of an anonymous crypto tycoon. He even commands a dedicated entourage of followers. Did I acquire any knowledge about Technical Analysis (TA)? Nada. He simply profits from surges and giveaways leveraging his insider intel. Did I fortify my trader's acumen? Not exactly. But did it prove effective? Indeed. Astonishingly, it generated substantial earnings.

Nonetheless, my core goal was to gain the proficiency to secure financial gains independently, and that ambition remains unattained. Comparable to other rewarding ventures, the channel managed by this incognito figure remains relatively unknown. To pinpoint it, simply utilize the term "SolutionWWY" in the Telegram search.

1 ответов

19 просмотров

This sounds good but no thanks

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