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Hi I am trying to bridge bitcoin back from the

core extension, I have done it like 6 months before has anything changed since then? I directly sent btc.b to my core extension avax adress and I saw the btc there, then I choosed bridge and filled up only the avax gwei but no btc fees (there was no such field at all), so now I am waiting for like 10-15 mins and it still says 0 confirmations althought it has been confirmed on the avax chain according to snowtrace, and it doesent show any bitcoin fees. I wanted to attach a pic like I see it in the core extension but its not possible. So is this normal? My core extension public adress is 0xf9F81762e484bbC5eC6Ec25D7D5472B780a00B44 , scammers dont even try it all dms and calls will get immediately reported

1 ответов

6 просмотров

Maybe a btc block hasn't happened yet

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