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Hello everyone, I'm Paulo Bos from the Web3 agency, Kryha. We're

in the process of developing tooling for real-world asset ("RWA") tokenisation. Our aim is to streamline the deployment of contracts for assets using standards like:
- ERC-721: to mint RWAs as NFTs and provide legality through Ricardian contracts
- ERC-998: to reduce transaction costs for RWA transactions through a dual-token system
- ERC-1155: to fractionalise ownership and increase liquidity through composable NFTs
- ERC-3643: to allow for permissioned tokens on permissionless networks
- ERC-4337: to use account abstraction to create a multisig environment where multiple parties need to sign a RWA transaction
We want to build an ecosystem where lawyers, banks, investors, enterprises, and institutional investors can interact and leverage these contracts seamlessly.

Given Avalanches reputation and scope in the blockchain space, we're very interested in exploring potential collaborations. Would anyone here be able to direct me to the right contact person within the Avalanche community/team to validate our ideas further?

Any assistance would be much appreciated. Thank you!

Best regards,

Paulo Bos

1 ответов

10 просмотров

Hey feel free to send me a dm with your project details

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