210 похожих чатов

Has someone thought in building and ethereum L2 build

on an avalanche subnet? Is there any project doing so?

15 ответов

8 просмотров

I haven’t heard yet something similar so far that is under development

Carles- Автор вопроса
Giuseppe Fr∀nk ∀🔺
I haven’t heard yet something similar so far that ...

I think it will be really good marketing for avalanche if anyone achieve to implement a L2 that could rival with arbitrum or matic

If you consider we already have working subnets printing transactions non stop… already a working product

Carles- Автор вопроса
Giuseppe Fr∀nk ∀🔺
If you consider we already have working subnets pr...

I know i was just wondering what could mean for avalanche to have a working eth L2 printing transactions with a marketcap similar to matic

I know i was just wondering what could mean for av...

Considering the capabilities and customization offered by a subnet is feasible for sure. Yeah it would be interesting to watch 😄😄

Shaiful Islam
I need staking link

If you want to stake natively, minimum required for delegation is 25 AVAX, and need to use the avax web wallet

Shaiful Islam
How long will it take to unstake after staking?

In the staking period your avax are locked, it’s up to you decide the period

I'm not sure I understood, which option?

Shaiful Islam
20% fee Tell me about it?

that's the delegation fee mate

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