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Is it possible for team to plan for burning tokens

and slowly reduce the supply overtime?

6 ответов

10 просмотров

the supply is fixed at 1 billion and with the halvings every 180 days the daily emission will be reduced, for now there has been no talk of burn but I ask the team for info!

Rahul-Sultania Автор вопроса
the supply is fixed at 1 billion and with the halv...

Btw,when this halving was introduced?I mean to reduce daily emission every after 6 months

Rahul Sultania
Btw,when this halving was introduced?I mean to red...

the halving was introduced with Gemini, the tokenomic update which increased the staking rewards... the next halving will take place in December!

Rahul Sultania
Btw,when this halving was introduced?I mean to red...

Will be exactly 180 days, between halving, since last one

Rahul-Sultania Автор вопроса
Rahul-Sultania Автор вопроса
the halving was introduced with Gemini, the tokeno...

Increasing the staking reward imo was a bad idea which stopped $PHA to improve.It might have attracted investors to lock their token to get those juicy free rewards.So now,every after 180 days the apy decreases which is a good idea but the on the other hand team should also implement a burn mechanism for slow & steady growth of $PHA.

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