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I am working on cbridge, and an error occurred: You

cannot access full functionalities of cBridge frontend due to compliance and security reasons. If you think this categorization is wrong, please contact support. What is the reason?

5 ответов

49 просмотров

We continuously strengthen the security and compliance practices of Celer cBridge frontend. If you cannot use certain functions of Celer cBridge, this may be because you are in a restricted region, using an anonymous VPN service or using a high risk wallet address. If you think the categorization is wrong, please dm me for further investigation.

waiter- Автор вопроса
cBridge Support Team Ivan
We continuously strengthen the security and compli...

It has been working normally before and my address is safe. Please help me solve the problem. My address: 0x41874337DA92bF479380Cea4Ec9D6a8939391d11

I've deleted your message as you shared your wallet address, please dm me instead.

waiter- Автор вопроса
Dm Your email adress?

Nah, dm me for further discussion on TG, but I believe we've replied your filled form via email, kindly check

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