210 похожих чатов

Hmm I wasn't here for a while On site v3 shows all

APRs are 0%.
Is bancor dead? Or moved?
What's happening? :)

2 ответов

8 просмотров

You can join the Chinese community group here: https://t.me/CarbonChinese

These pools are in deficit and as a result do not have rewards. Alleviating the deficit remains a high priority. Do take a look into V3 updates, many pools are in surplus and have been closed - https://t.me/BancorNews/1544 To see the latest, ongoing discussions and proposals check out the Bancor DAO discourse, and for all Bancor Network updates, check out the Bancor News channel. Carbon is the newest product in the Bancor network, an innovative new way to automate trades onchain. You may join Carbon discussion here - https://t.me/CarbonDeFixyz

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