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👇 Let’s check out more ideas from UFF (Universidade Federal

Fluminense) students! If you missed the first part, a UFF professor encouraged students to use Cartesi for their final project:

Decentralized Voting Platform with Cartesi: An electronic voting platform using blockchain for secure, transparent voting in various contexts. It allows customization of voting parameters and employs Cartesi for off-chain computations.

Document Authentication Platform: A blockchain-based platform for document authentication. It ensures document integrity and eliminates intermediaries, with Cartesi enabling complex off-chain smart contract execution.

The Use of Blockchain for Task Allocation: A system for impartial task allocation using blockchain to ensure transparent, immutable, and verifiable allocation processes, enhancing trust between managers and teams.

A Decentralized Classification Solution for Fetal Health: A decentralized application for analyzing Cardiotocography data using machine learning to classify fetal health, leveraging blockchain for secure data handling.

Decentralized Electoral System: A decentralized electoral system using blockchain for transparent, secure, and private voting. It includes features like candidate insertion, election creation, and voter registration.

Football Betting House - BlockBet: A blockchain-based football betting platform exclusive to the Brazilian Serie A championship, enabling users to create and cover bets, ensuring payment transparency and security.

Universidade Federal Fluminense - UFF - IoT Water Quality Monitoring: An IoT-based system for monitoring water quality at different points in the Tietê-Paraná Watershed, using blockchain for immutable data recording and a Cartesi machine for running machine learning algorithms.

Join the Cartesi Discord and check out the #BR | brazil channel to see the submissions for yourself and interact with the builders 🇧🇷 https://discord.gg/NW6QzA6DSB

Retweet: https://x.com/cartesiproject/status/1737065295687110774?s=46&t=W40rwSyDQR8LX1K9roYzIQ

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