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make the blockchain more decentralized

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There are several ways to ensure 51% attackprevention. The most effective one is not to use the Proof-of-Work consensus algorithm. This is beneficial for several reasons. Apart from making the network safer from a 51% attack, it also makes the network consume less energy, which in turn makes it safer, faster, and cheaper to use.

Allow whoever can, thanks to a certain supervised mining power of course, to participate in the development of the blockchain

1- Double-spend his money. He can pay with the same cryptocurrency twice or even more. 2- Prevent transactions from being confirmed. 3- Prevent the generation of new bitcoins.

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There are several ways to ensure 51% attackprevent...

What are the precautions that some projects took to avoid this ?

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There are several ways to ensure 51% attackprevent...

Another way to prevent an attack is to substantially grow the network. Usually, networks that seek to attract a large number of nodes tend to incentivize node operators.

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Another way to prevent an attack is to substantial...

With a massive network like Bitcoin’s, for example, a malicious attack is almost impossible to conduct successfully.

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Yasmine Allonoumi
How to grow the network?

Growing a blockchain network involves increasing the number of participants, nodes, and miners within the network.

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Yasmine Allonoumi
How is bitcoin a massive network?

Bitcoin is considered a massive network due to its widespread adoption, decentralized nature, and the significant number of participants, nodes, and miners.

Yasmine Allonoumi
How is bitcoin a massive network?

because there are many miners, many contributors and much more decentralized. In my opinion

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Bitcoin is considered a massive network due to its...

Thank you, there is also the fact that no one knows its creator.

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Yasmine Allonoumi
Who are the participants? You and me?

Yes, participants in a blockchain network can include individuals like you and me, as well as various entities such as businesses, organizations, and developers.

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Yes, participants in a blockchain network can incl...

Great, so the more people there are, the more security there is.

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Yasmine Allonoumi
Great, so the more people there are, the more secu...

In general, the number of participants in a blockchain network can contribute to its security

Yasmine Allonoumi
Thank you, there is also the fact that no one know...

This is one of the things that keeps Bitcoin alive to this day. If it were known, we would be at another unviable stage of bitcoin. Because the challenge

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