210 похожих чатов

It’s really frustrating because it’s one of my biggest bags.

We should be real, it’s really concerning that it’s moving so poorly tbh, even though I believe in ftm, why isn’t it moving tho? Gotta be real

10 ответов

16 просмотров

ftm is a slower cook. it suffered a lot from the multichain fiasco.. but the fundamentals of fantom are stronger than ever. I expect a huge resurgence after sonic goes live. Andre has a lot cooking, including 4 new defi primitives that he will release. its gonna be wild! think of now as a good time to accumulate more.. while the degens arent paying much attention

what do u expect crypto-newbie? ftm following btc? u better stop crying and start learning the basics

KH- Автор вопроса
Alex Māori
what do u expect crypto-newbie? ftm following btc?...

Crypto newbie? I did my first cycle when you were still sucking milk from ur mommy, can’t accept the truth huh?

Crypto newbie? I did my first cycle when you were ...

when i using the bridge in squid router such as fantom crypto .first get so not changing network now i lose 5000 FTM WHY? I'm very sad

blood 🥕
What do you mean?

Fantom token to be swapped between blockchains, and unlocks access to apps across chains in a the squid ..frst get my token reach gass ...but not recived token I test Frist sending Ftm Less gas i pay it And i watibg to get bnb coin Or any coin but. Just erorrrrrr

Mcjig'sNode (pugswap.io)
it would be best to contact squid

Dear they just say trying to rsolve..but no helping me. My 5000 FTM gas has been loss I try Ftm (fantom)~ bnb (bnb chain)

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