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Conversation at a festival with a non-crpto person (not a

normie by any stretch, though):
* person: tell me about crypto, me: ok, the original idea is p2p sound money for the people of this world
* person: cool, we need this! Fuck the system, I already don't pay taxes and do everything I can in cash. I have like 10k to invest into crypto, I need it outside the system safe from inflation. me: it not an investment, it's money for the people
* person: yeah, I get it. Where can I buy without paper trail? me: oh btw: BTC was captured by TPTB, artificially contstrained, high fees, no access for poor
* person: yeah, I've heard that it was captured from elsewhere. I do believe this, it makes sense. What do you use yourself instead? me: I used Bitcoin Cash, blocksize wars, push towards custodial solutions, el salvador, strike,... blabla
* person: cool. Now how to buy without using exchange/bank? me: I'll sell you BCH, no problem
* person: yeah, ok, but do you also sell BTC? 😳😭😭😭
WHY? 😤😡 She supposedly gets it and still wants to buy the captured coin?

25 ответов

33 просмотра

NGU is a force stronger than gravity.

molecular#123 🐓- Автор вопроса
Cheapy 🪐🌭
NGU is a force stronger than gravity.

Hmmm. I told her BCH is like 1% of BTC in terms of price and community size. Do you think that's it? "It must be shit if noone's buying it? BT-Captured must be good because price high as fuck!"


molecular#123 🐓- Автор вопроса

She seemed to really be thinking for herself. That's why I was so disappointed. She talked one way and then acts the other.

molecular#123 🐓- Автор вопроса


molecular#123 🐓- Автор вопроса

maybe the "thinking" works fine, but the "acting" is not connected to the "thinking", but to the "following"? It's a wiring issue.



molecular#123 🐓- Автор вопроса



that's why you're here. Critical thinker. Trendsetter. I expect your talk was too honest and you assumed that your honest explanation of less good parts would be compensated with logic rational talk. Unfortunately most people follow social intelligence, the group think. So if you're a sales person that focuses only on the positive and loudly proclaims BCH is the best (doesn't have to be logical or rational if you're confident) then it would possibly have ended differently

you're mistaken.

molecular#123 🐓- Автор вопроса


that's why you're here. Critical thinker. Trendset...


Perhaps to test, compare and see for herself. And also guage your reaction emotionally Could have been a good opportunity to demonstrate the difference in speed and fees etc To a normie's perspective BCH can seem like a cult or obsession or something, you can't waffle on about technical details that are lost on them, just demonstrate the difference, give a basic explanation, get them using it, and encourage education, skepticism and caution around all the conflicting information out there. That's what I plan on doing anyway

molecular#123 🐓- Автор вопроса

because people are not in the slightest bit logical. That's a complete myth. Repetition trumps reasoning, and she's heard the name Bitcoin a thousand times so that's what she wants

molecular#123 🐓
Hmmm. I told her BCH is like 1% of BTC in terms of...

It's called win team joiner. BTC is the leading force for the whole crypto market, whether we like it or not. Now BTC got integrated in the finance system, it's predictable and signals strong lobby support from Blackrock. Store of value and making gains is on the mind of the mainstream, most people don't see a value in crypto payments yet...

that's why you're here. Critical thinker. Trendset...

I agree. If we talk too negative about BTC it will scare off because it seems exaggerated. --> The group think kicks back in, since the leader is BTC therefor it can't be that bad. Because both Bitcoins follow a completely different philosophy, it is not wrong from an investor's point of view to invest in both.

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