209 похожих чатов

Great info i just learned a lot and still have

much more to study. now i am considering using bch as my personal savings, but i have fear from binance scam or tether scam what would make the market down for a while, there are any other scenarios that i should analysis that could down all the market for a while like these possibilitys like I said?
sorry poor english

2 ответов

15 просмотров

crypto is very volatile, anything and everything could suddenly have a huge impact on the prices. We can't predict what we don't know, but if you're interested in advice for "financial survival" in the crypto markets you can see this segment of the Podcast about "Bear Market survival guidelines" https://youtu.be/U6QbXE9Uud4?t=4384

what you are asking for now is a savings strategy, DCA maybe? nobody has the crystal orb to predict markets a lesson when you start on markets is patience is your best ally, so my advice is take it easy and dont rush the drive

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