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Hello guys, big problem here, my best friend just

realized that he got is native wallet drained this morning... It happened on february 2022. Here is his wallet https://ajor.io/account/yjghmpagzuus
The scammer is https://ajor.io/account/carteratlose
If you search in this chat for carteratlose, someone got affected too long time ago and I would like to know how it all ended... My friend correctly secured his private Key and bassicly never interact with the chain except for stacking. He never sign any scammy transaction or whatsoever so we don't understand (he is an IT guy, so pretty aware of how it works). Please tell me there is hope for him as it represent quite a big amount 😥 (I remember an old issue with telos sign back in the day, is it linked ? )

2 ответов

22 просмотра

This is very interesting we need answer this???

This is very interesting we need answer this???

We will wait for an answer, the wallet was drained by a malicious actor - it does happen

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