210 похожих чатов

10 ответов

31 просмотр

This is an English channel, Please keep the conversation in English. Thank you!

Agus-Y Автор вопроса
Arthur Jes
This is an English channel, Please keep the conver...

Titan, has there been a significant increase?

Agus Y
Titan, has there been a significant increase?

We're closely monitoring titan progress and will keep you updated on any significant developments. Stay tuned!

Agus-Y Автор вопроса
Arthur Jes
We're closely monitoring titan progress and will k...

Well, I will continue to wait for good news

Agus Y
Well, I will continue to wait for good news

Certainly! Patience is key in the crypto world. We'll be sure to keep you updated once we have some exciting news to share!

Arthur Jes
Certainly! Patience is key in the crypto world. We...

Let's be realistic, by the way, the earlier we sold, the less we lost.

Agus-Y Автор вопроса
Arthur Jes
Certainly! Patience is key in the crypto world. We...

Well, we are always patient and waiting for good news

Davod Samadi
Let's be realistic, by the way, the earlier we sol...

It's all about staying optimistic and looking ahead.

Agus Y
Well, we are always patient and waiting for good n...

Keep up the support and stay connected here!

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