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No it’s not over yet

You can refer to the most recent update here https://t.me/AllianceBlockAnn/1603

Cédric- Автор вопроса
Uzor | Won’t DM you first
No it’s not over yet

Why is the date being changed along the way? Some days back another mod said it would end on the 6th. And initially you guys posted in the news channel that it would end on the 3rd. Really tired of how this is being handled

Why is the date being changed along the way? Some ...

I’m not sure I can give you a satisfactory answer, but due to certain community feedback and adjustments, the extension is necessary to ensure fairness

Cédric- Автор вопроса
Uzor | Won’t DM you first
I’m not sure I can give you a satisfactory answer,...

Fairness in what way? I thought those Adresse with extremely high volume were already excluded from the competition days ago

Uzor | Won’t DM you first
No it’s not over yet

How is it not over? Its the 7th? And the last day on the timer, (silver leaderboard) ran out hours ago.

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