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URL for Frax ferry to Fraxtal? I thought it was

the standard Frax ferry, but, I don’t see Fraxtal as an option

3 ответов

7 просмотров

Generally I would recommend using the official bridge when moving from Ethereum -> Fraxtal for Frax-related tokens. Deposits will be credited in as little as 60-70 seconds compared to ~1 day for FraxFerry. But it is live in our UI: https://app.frax.finance/fraxferry?src=ethereum&dest=fraxtal&token=fxs

Bueno-Pues Автор вопроса
Justin Moore
Generally I would recommend using the official bri...

lol to official bridge to make sure I am using the right one?

Bueno Pues
lol to official bridge to make sure I am using the...

You can click it at the top of our app, or on frax.com in the nav

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