209 похожих чатов

And also would it be best to stake the Fpis

right before merging happens? That way I could get fraxtal points as it says “Lastly, veFPIS also qualifies for the April 3rd FXTL points snapshot at the 1.33 rate.” Or should I just let it sit there and do nothing? I would appreciate any feedback. Thank you 🙏🏻

5 ответов

6 просмотров

The current veFPIS will be unlocked and there will be a new contract where users can lock their FPIS for 4years

Jefe ElJefe
Will FPIS/frax get unlocked?

Yes, veFPIS will get unlocked once we have the 4 year locker contract up

Travis Moore | Co-Founder @ Frax (¤³, ¤³)
Yes, veFPIS will get unlocked once we have the 4 y...

why did you want to show us an egg Travis, was it a part of the rebus which started with the whale pic?

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